nice to meet you.

i’m a writer, illustrator, and digital marketer based in Brooklyn, New York.

Since receiving my M.A. in magazine journalism at NYU, I have worked in a diverse range of editorial and content marketing roles. In addition to writing editorial content for various publications and media outlets, I also specialize in digital marketing and branded content, with a strong focus on product copywriting, blogging, email marketing, content strategy, and social media marketing. I’ve also done work in the design and illustration space, including website design, print design, and brand graphics.

Whether I’m reporting a story, brainstorming punchy ad copy, or designing custom icons for a campaign, I love how writing and illustration allow me to explore my passion for sharing stories, building narratives, and chasing curiosities.

When I’m not writing or illustrating, I’m usually at my craft table, honing my amateur photography skills, browsing random Google Flights “just to see,” or dabbling in the kitchen (especially when Sohla El-Waylly shares a new recipe on Instagram).

